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Puritan Coffee: Is your Coffee Confessional?

by GFBC Elders on September 25, 2019

We are excited and honored to offer to you the first shipment of Puritan Coffee.  Puritan Coffee is the only fully confessional coffee that is cultivated  traditionally  in  the virgin mountains of Costa Rica  near  the  biological reserve of  Monteverde.

The   local  producers  have generations of experience in the cultivation and roasting of coffee, offering  a  unique product that is on par with the best coffees  in  the  world. 

This rich roasted coffee savors of brown sugar and refined caramel, with crisp, lemony acidity.  

Additionally, each cup of Puritan Coffee directly supports Reformed Baptist missions and church planting in Costa Rica.

Two-time church planter and pastor, Adrian Passarelli, is the president of Puritan Coffee. 

He has planted churches in Barranca and Liberia, Costa Rica. 

The sales of Puritan Coffee allow local pastors to spend more time engaged in evangelism and pastoral care instead of pursuing secular employments. 

This is a great opportunity to enjoy some of Costa Rica’s best coffee while supporting the proclamation of the gospel to the lost in Costa Rica.

Is your coffee confessional?  It should be.  Place your preorder now and get in on our first shipment that will arrive October 16th.  If you would like to pick up your order at the church rather than pay shipping use the code: PICKUP.   Soli Deo Gloria!

Place your order now:
